The SHP Group (Slovak Hygienic Paper Group) is a multinational company associating the group of production and business companies operating in the cellulose-paper industry. The SHP Group covers 10 companies in 6 countries of Europe with annual turnover of EUR 220 mil. In its four manufacturing plants, the SHP Group makes 170 thousand tons of paper annually.
The SHP Group belongs to the largest producers of hygienic papers in the Central and South-Eastern Europe.
The values of our SHP Group, in particular “Responsibility”, “Humanity”, “Customer orientation” and “Enthusiasm for performance and innovation” are the heart of our corporate culture, they determine our company’s identity and help us to make the right decisions. They represent the basic pillars for the achievement of our strategy. The values determine our company’s identity in the eyes of our customers, consumers and potential employees. They are the tools for retaining and engaging employees, in particular by defining and unifying the approach in the behaviour of us all.

The logo used by the SHP Group for all its companies – the white swan, is the oldest used trademark in Slovakia. It has been used for more than 100 years now, even if officially it was registered in the commercial chamber in Banská Bystrica only in 1910 and has undergone several graphic changes since then. There is a history of paper manufacturing in Harmanec dating back to the 19th century (1829) behind the swan logo.
For decades, the white swan has been identifying a strong and stable company producing hygienic paper products of high quality. Our trademark also won at the nationwide contest, LOGOTYP SLOVAKIA 2002 in the Oldest Logo category.

SHP Harmanec
The Harmanec paper works was build in 1829 by the merchant of Banská Bystrica, František Zikmund Leicht, originally as the handmade paper manufacture. In the mid-19th century, it belonged to the most state-of-the-art paperworks in Austria-Hungaria. At the turn of the 19th and 20th century, the plant launched the hygienic paper product manufacturing. At first, the folded toilet paper under the Hermandol brand, later adding the hand-cut paper napkins. During the World War 2, the product range was extended by the production of feminine pads and baby nappies made of artificial cotton. The modern history of the paperworks started in 1972, when the paper machine was put into operation, manufacturing the hygienic papers and a new raw material – the waste paper – started to be used. The paperwork has maintained the character of the modern and dynamically developing company until today. Annually, the company invests about EUR 6 mil. in the development of technologies and modernization of the processes. In 2002, the Harmanec Paperworks were renamed to SHP Harmanec and became a part of the group of production and business companies having the production and distribution of hygienic paper products as their scope of business, under the common title of SHP Group.
History of SHP Harmanec
On a green field called “Pod košiarom” (“Under the sheepfold”), in the cadastre of Dolný Harmanec, the merchant of Banská Bystrica, František Zigmund Leicht, founded the original paperworks.
On a green field called “Pod košiarom” (“Under the sheepfold”), in the cadastre of Dolný Harmanec, the merchant of Banská Bystrica, František Zigmund Leicht, founded the original paperworks.
1829The paper machine production was launched and the Harmanec Paperworks became the second largest paperworks in Austria-Hungaria.
The paper machine production was launched and the Harmanec Paperworks became the second largest paperworks in Austria-Hungaria.
1841Registration of the “White Swan” trademark, which is the oldest registered and maintained trademark in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
Registration of the “White Swan” trademark, which is the oldest registered and maintained trademark in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
1910The Harmanec Paperworks, as the first in the former CSSR, started manufacturing the toilet rolls.
The Harmanec Paperworks, as the first in the former CSSR, started manufacturing the toilet rolls.
1972All the products of SHP Harmanec were renamed to HARMONY, with the exception of the Harmasan toilet rolls.
All the products of SHP Harmanec were renamed to HARMONY, with the exception of the Harmasan toilet rolls.
1999The Harmanec Paperworks was integrated into SHP (Slovak Hygienic Paper) Group and changed its title to SHP Harmanec.
The Harmanec Paperworks was integrated into SHP (Slovak Hygienic Paper) Group and changed its title to SHP Harmanec.
SHP Slavošovce
The municipality of Slavošovce, founded in 1318, lies in the region of Horný Gemer. In 1817, the dilapidated plant in Slavošovce, rebuilt to a paper mill and since then, the production of paper in this municipality is dated. The paper production development in Slavošovce was not simple. Apart from the first decades, the company was moving in extremes almost all the time. It was overcoming crisis but at the same time was being constructed and modernised. In the Czechoslovak Republic era in 1923, the paperworks got into a financial crisis and a sell-off was suggested. Professor Ursíny from Czech Technical University in Brno spoke in favour of manufacturing in Slavošovce at the prime minister, thanks to which the paperworks obtained a state subvention for its renewal. In the 20th century, the paperworks concentrated on the manufacturing of school copybooks and pads. The paper napkins only comprised a part of the manufacturing program. After integrating the company in the SHP Group as SHP Slavošovce, its direction has been oriented on the production and sale of paper napkins.

History of SHP Slavošovce
The dilapidated plant in Slavošovce was rebuilt to a paper mill.
The dilapidated plant in Slavošovce was rebuilt to a paper mill.
1817After financial crisis and suggersted sell-off, manufacture in Slavošovce obtained a state subvention for its renewal, thanks to professor Ursíny.
After financial crisis and suggersted sell-off, manufacture in Slavošovce obtained a state subvention for its renewal, thanks to professor Ursíny.
The company SHP CELEX, a. d., Banja Luka is the successor company of ZDP Celex, Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The original company had a rich history, a lot of experience and a good reputation in the field of manufacturing paper hygienic products in the countries of former Yugoslavia. Modern history of the company started on 27 June 2002. On this day, the paper machine was put into operation after an extensive reconstruction, followed by the processing lines. Thereby, a new stage of paper hygienic products in the refurbished SHP Celex plant started. Three years after the renewal of production, the paper production increased four times and nowadays, the company has a strong potential of further development and prosperity.
The necessity of the origin of the SHP Bohemia business company was closely connected to the origin of the two independent republics, the Czech and Slovak Republic. SHP Harmanec, a.s., was traditionally selling a part of its production on the Czech market. If they wanted to continue and develop its trading in the territory of the Czech Republic, it had to create a new business unit. In November 1996, SHP Bohemia was founded, with the centre of the operation in the town of Kromeříž. Since March 2003, the Company moved its seat to Prague.
SHP Hungaria was founded in Budapest, in November 2002, as the business and service company of the SHP Group for the Hungarian market. The foundation thereof is a part of the SHP Group activities directing at achieving the leading position in the paper hygiene segment on the markets of the Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
It is the youngest business company focusing on the sale of paper hygiene in Croatia.
Integrated in SHP Group in 2006. Production is focusing on the Away From Home products, i.e. hygienic paper products to be used in hotels, industrial plants and institutions.
Paloma is a public limited company with a more than 140-year tradition in the manufacture and marketing of hygienic paper products in Europe, and is the market leader in South-East Europe. The company has four divisions and is predominantly export-oriented. Annual capacity is 72,000 tonnes of hygienic paper.